What is Product-Market Fit?

What is Product-Market Fit?

What is Product-Market Fit? Lack of capital is the number one reason startups fail; lack of product-market fit is the second. CB Insights found that 35% of startups fail because they tackle problems that are interesting to solve rather than those that serve a market...
Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement

Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement

Balance Sheet vs. Income Statement Accounting plays a vital role in running any business or organization, from small one-man outfits to large corporations. Accounting helps track income and expenditures, assure statutory compliance, and provide owners, management,...
Employee Engagement Training Tips

Employee Engagement Training Tips

Employee Engagement Training Before the pandemic, but even more so since, lack of employee engagement has been troubling companies large and small across industries, and across the world. Employee engagement training courses have popped up online, with all manner of...
Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service Strategy We all know that stellar customer experience is the key differentiator for companies. In 2018, PWC research showed that customers are willing to pay a 16% price premium for better customer experiences. The secret to stellar customer...
Why is Entrepreneurship Important?

Why is Entrepreneurship Important?

Why is Entrepreneurship Important? For the last couple of decades, there has been a lot of hype around entrepreneurship. But being an entrepreneur is not just a hip thing to do – it’s more than being clever and having impressive offices.  Some serious...